A Professional Business Communications Solution
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Web Packages...Internet Marketing....Hosting
Facebook...Email...Domain Names...and much more!

Presenting Site Web Developers Ltd a professional web design and communications company providing a hosting and maintenance service, domain name registrations, internet marketing solutions and search engine optimisation. All this combined with great accuracy, efficiency and professionalism.

Click on the sliders below to find out more information about SWDL

History of SWDL - Click to read Slide

Site Web Developers Ltd is a web design and communications company established since 1999. Working originally in the 90's as a graphic design company, freelancing at Cambridge businesses and London magazine studios, Site Web Developers Ltd has emerged as a prominent website design, web development and communications company.

SWDL References - Click to read Slide

Site Web Developers Ltd has been involved in internationally renowned business names including the following UK magazines:

  • RSPB - Bird
  • Graphic International
  • Healthy Eating
  • Professional Photography
  • Tennis World

Site Web Developers Ltd has been successful in realising website design strategies for a range of companies in UK, Europe and US including:
  • RSPB
  • Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
  • ROC
  • EDF
  • ILEX Press
  • Ivy Press
  • Kent County Council

Meet the SWDL Team - Click to read Slide

Meet our Team

image Emma Wratten is one of the Directors. She has studied Law at degree level. Her legal experience involved working in residential and commercial conveyancing departments of law firms categorised in the top 100 UK Law Firms including Mills and Reeve in Cambridge amongst others. She is responsible for client and editorial work at Legalbees and is involved in the finance section. She is also responsible for the editing and research of the website texts.

The other Director is Fabrice Boulben. He started as a graphic designer, then following his appointment as a Webmaster for top UK magazine company. He is a fully experienced Web Developer. He is experienced in XHTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, CMS, CMR, Ajax and MySQL enabling him to write coding in conformity with W3C. His experience includes working for publishers, Ilex-press Ltd and Ivy-press Ltd amongst others.

Romain Mengoni has been using computers for almost 12 years and he has gained an excellent knowledge in all areas of design, computers and the internet. He is very passionate about the industry he is involved with and is proud to be considered one of the top web designers in Lyon (France) and to have achieved nationwide recognition for his work at bezalelgrafix. He see one of his major strengths being his adaptability. He is able to jump easily from being a designer, to a coder, to software and hardware technician, to decision maker. This adaptability can also be seen in his design work where he is able handle any task he is given, be it web, multimedia, motion, branding, or print. His elite client references include: SWDL France and Abisse bureautique

In France, our link is Pierre Foucaud, he is a freelance certified IT Engineer also specialising in Flash web designs. He is also involved with selling hardware and carrying out intricate repairs on both software and hardware systems. He is experienced in PC and Apple platforms and the owner of Dit-informatique store.

Nicholas Mengoni, is experienced in setting up Windows 2003 Server/Active Directory. Experienced in setting up Linux servers: Debian, Red Hat and also:SaMBa (file server for windows workstations), Print Server, Proxy Web with content filtering, DNS, DHCP, FTP, SSH, Web LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP). His experience also includes administration of MySQL databases, implementation of Open Source Firewall solutions, Establishing Terminal Server solutions under Linux and Deployment of Open Source workstations.

Annie Vey is our French editor and also works in sales. She looks after our client base in France, also carrying out marketing and editorial services for the text and content of client websites. She is also involved in the recruitment of French personnel.

Why Use SWDL - Click to read Slide

Why use SWDL?

We have extensive web and media experience. Our team includes graphic designers, PHP web designers, web scripting programmers, server developers, plus skills including 3D Graphics and server maintenance.

Additionally, working primarily on the text and editing of the websites for law firms is a bilingual lawyer qualified in degree level law. The research and writing department provide a great asset to companies that are unable commit sufficient time to the essential part of website text writing.

The experience gained by SWDL over the years provides these assets:

  • Diverse web and design skills ensuring high quality results
  • Experienced dedicated web developers
  • Comprehension of adhering to tight deadlines
  • Precision to detail
  • Personal attention to each customer
  • Acknowledgment of resourceful use of time
  • Insight on the company - client/customer relationship

How can your company benefit from our experience in a practical way?

Your benefits

  • Excellent web packages with free hosting, email account and domain name for first year
  • Web text writing service for your website
  • Editorial and multilingual services
  • Great hosting packages
  • Full search engine optimisation and social network exposure
  • Marketing campaign packages using emails and newsletters
  • Logo design packages
  • Matching stationery and web packages for an overall corporate design
Site Web Developers Ltd has years of experience in providing custom-made marketing solutions for companies of all sizes

Our Client Objectives - Click to read Slide

  • To provide a personal approach to all our clients.
  • To remain highly competitive but always keeping a top standard of professional quality work.
  • To provide appealing secure websites conforming to W3C standards.
  • To use new media to provide profitability solutions for our clients giving them business efficiency and increased sales.
  • To provide a cost effective service that is second to none.
  • To work together to give a stress free experience.

At SWDL we recognise the importance of having an excellent web presence. We also know that this creates a feeling of credibility for people interested in your company.

Websites are the shop window for your business. What your business has to offer will be displayed in the way your website represents you. Not to be minimised is the effect that your website will have on visitors. Will they stay 10 seconds or 10 minutes and will they return?

We provide a website that will present an appealing picture of your company to your customers. Our company is reflected in the way that we research, create, edit and present your website.

Services offered by SWDL:

SWDL specialise in web and internet communication.

Our goal is to provide pristine web designs These web designs linked with excellent marketing and advertising techniques are our strength. Emerging with ever changing field of internet technology together with constant training results in being able to offer a specialism in a wide range of web solutions and services. Site Web Developers has and is continuing to expand, remaining both successful and competitive.

Click on the tabs below for an overview of our products:


A full range of websites:

  • Website packages;
  • Bespoke Websites;
  • Re-designs;
  • Flash Websites;
  • E-Commerce Websites;
  • Web translation packages;
  • Web text writing service;

Call us today for further information about our websites.

Internet Services

A full range of internet services including:

  • Hosting;
  • Email accounts;
  • Domain names;
  • Search engine optimisation;
  • Internet marketing mediums such as newsletters;
  • Email marketing etc;
Use our Contact Us page for further details on these internet services.

Design - Stationery

A full range of graphics, advertising and stationery:

  • Corporate stationery;
  • Matching stationery packs;
  • Logo designs;
  • 3D banners;
a wide range of Marketing and Corporate Advertising Materials of all ranges including:
  • Brochures;
  • Newsletters;
  • Powerpoint presentations;
  • Marketing campaign material;
  • Office and secretarial services and editing services;

Call us today for our full range of design and stationery items.

Web - Internet Tools

Our web and internet tools include:

  • Social Networking Links and Page creation ie Facebooke Pro, LinkedIn;
  • Incorporation of You Tube videos;
  • A wide range of forms including simple forms such as Email a Friend, Contact us and Feedback forms and complex forms such as Ask for a quote;
  • Interactive materials for your website such as Blogs and forums;
  • Webmail;
  • Site meters;
  • Calendars and clocks;
  • Weather information to name just a few.

Contact us by our Contact Us page for further information..

Websites are our business!

Below is an overview of our website and see why SWDL websites are so successful. Click on the next tab to see information about the creation of a website.

Why SWDL websites are unique

What makes SWDL websites unique?

  • 1. You can choose between bespoke or web packages.
  • 2. Our web packages are clearly priced and include web essentials - hosting, domain name, email account, Google Advertising all in one price - for everything!.
  • 3. Choose easy monhtly payment plans
  • 4. Our websites are available in a variety of styles and sizes to suit all companies.
  • 5. They are full CSS, PHP, MySQL, contain CMS and are easily editable! They are extremely flexible and professional.
  • 6. Prices include all design work, development and support all at an unbeatable price!

Why not profit from our great packages and if you are not already on the web get your company on there! If you are already on the web why not take this opportunity to consider a re-design and try one of our new web packages?
A website needs constant changing and updating. So don't delay, act today!

Our Website

New SWDL website! Aspects of the new SWDL Website.

Below you can see just some of the areas that are covered:
SWDL Services - this tab deals with web services. This covers the web services we provide. It includes:
Web Creation - Redesigns, Web packages, Tailor-made sites and Templates.
Web Essentials - Web Hosting, Email Accounts, Domain Names, SEO, Pay per click, SSL.
Web Programming - E-Commerce, Database, Content Management.
Web Tools - Site Meters, Email Marketing, Web Mail, Blogs, Newsletters, Online File Folders.
Flash Websites - Flash Sites, Multimedia CDS, Animations, Banners.
Graphic Design Studio - Visual ID, Logo Design, Advertising Materials, Stationery, Business Ideas, 3D.
Editorial - Editorial Services, Secretarial Services, Translation Services.

SWDL Web Packages
We have adopted new changes with the introduction of a new style of websites using templates. We have used these templates and integrated them with a range of essential web services to create an all-in-one web package for you! It is easiest, quickest and cheapest way to get your company on the web! We want to offer a website like this one. A clear, transparent look that is easy to use and gives great presentation features.
Click here to read more about our Website Packages ...

Website Design Overview

What makes a website?

Have you ever wondered why website design is so complicated? Website design is far from what seems to many people, links of unrecognisable coding...Websites are not just copy and pasting text and adding some photos.
Let us take you on a turbo tour of the web design process - just to give you a brief idea...
The process of creating websites starts from the basis of concepts, ideas, imagination and artistic skills teamed with innovative advertising solutions.


First draft design is needed and this is based on a meeting with the client where design strategies and marketing ideas are put out on the table.

Domain Name

Domain Name
Domain name registrations need to be considered as a top priority together with the hosting of the site and the prospection of the site success, the reason it is being developed and the customer's aspirations.


Next the graphic design and artists are involved to create an identity which will be carried as a theme throughout the website. Animation may be considered and photographs that need to be included need to be formatted. Copyright needs considering. Parallel with this the web designers work alongside the graphic design team to ensure that all material used is suitable and good for quick and smooth downloads on the website.


Next the consideration of the all important search engines.This is a lengthy but essential part of web development. The content of your website, including the meta tags and usage of words is the way your site will be identified by the search engines and then picked up by visitors keying in words on the searches.
The optimisation of search engines can also be considered to enhance your website appearance. Various techniques are used such as paid search, keywords and coding.

Additional Features

Additional Features
Further additional features can be added such as RSS feeders, Calendars, Forums, Blogs, Clocks, etc.

Website Upload!

Then the website is ready to upload. Of course it is not really that simple but that is an overview of the design process.
The internet is without limits - just tell us what you are looking for - we know the pitfalls and we know the shortcuts!

The internet is a progressive place and great benefits come from showing your customers that your company is progressive and forward thinking. This type of attitude inspires confidence in your company for your clients. The key to success is to make sure your company has a full online media presence.

Our offices Site Web Developers Ltd, with over nine years of experience was founded in Cambridge and has its head office in Kent, United Kingdom and partner office in Lyon, France. We are easily accessible from the M25 and one hour from Central London - and always accessible by email or telephone!

Interested? Why not contact us today!
image Please call us our UK phone 07966 585094 or use the Contact Us page on this website for more information.
Site Web Developers Limited is a company registered in England & Wales with company number 6344539. Registered office address 17 High Street Hinxton Essex CB10 1QY.

Google Ads

Customized keyword Google Ad campaigns for your website to appear on 1st page of Google for unlimited visitors to your website.

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Flexible Features

Attractive designs and great features in the latest technology allowing you to be in control of your website yourself making changes at anytime and other essential add-on features.

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Domains Hosting

Premium Domain names together with interesting choice of Hosting Packages to suit all sizes of companies...you choose!.

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